A New Method for Localization Studies Bernhard Seeber AG Technische Akustik, Institute for Human-Machine-Communication, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Arcisstr. 21, D-80333 Muenchen, Germany Summary Many scientic studies investigate and technical applications use the acoustical localization in the eld of vision. Therefore it is suitable to display the perceived auditory direction by a light point. In formerly known methods subjects use a hand-held light pointer or a pointer mounted on a revolvable axle in front of them. However, the subject's motor system or the optical parallax may inuence the results of those techniques. The calibration of the system and data logging also turn out to be difcult. The proposed new method utilizes a laser pointer with a deection unit instead, which is controlled by a computer. Subjects enter the perceived sound direction with a trackball. The laser spot moves according to the rotation of the ball smoothly on a dened track. A complicated mechanical calibration can be avoided by calibrating the deection unit by a computer. The intuitive experimental operation and the high resolution of the system make this method particularly suitable for localization research in audiology, psychoacoustics, and virtual acoustics. The symmetric, bimodal outlay of the experimental task reduces interaction effects between different modalities. Localization results for variable and xed initial laser position obtained by this method are presented and compared to results acquired by other methods.